'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Friday, April 01, 2005

Ball and Chain

I'm going to a wedding with my best friend, J, this weekend. Her husband is the one that is in Iraq, so I am her "stand-in" husband. I'm used to this title by now--LOL. People used to think that we were together...little did they know...

Anyway, this brings me to my blog topic...When did getting married become so rampant?!?! Everywhere I go, everyone has a ring on their finger. I am not exaggerating at all. At the gym, in line at the store, EVERYWHERE! And the thing that gets me is that these people look so freakin' young! What happened to holding off until you get closer to 30? Clinging on to your bachelorhood? Are people just finding their "soulmates" earlier? Are people just settling for the one they are with just because "everyone else is doing it?!?!"

I just don't know...

1 comment:

Chris said...

Right on! It pisses me off to see so many cute girls with rings on their fingers. How are the rest of us supposed to enjoy our bachelorhood when all the good catches are already committed?