'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Monday, January 29, 2007

Scenes From a Gay Bar

I don't care how many times I see it, I just can't get used to it. A woman isn't supposed to pee standing up. I don't care if you're a drag queen. Sit to pee, please.

Another bathroom first: I saw a girl pee in a urinal. No lie.

Drag show + straight guy in gay bar = trouble. This one bar in Atlanta is known for it's camp drag, and the main drag queen is very well known. So, on Saturday night, she asked the crowd if there were any straight guys in the house. There happened to be 2 groups of people who had 1 straight guy in each group. Let the fun begin. She called them both up to the front and proceeded to ask them questions. And yes, she asked if either one of them had kissed another guy. Both replied with a definite "NO." Well, well, well... She then asked the crowd if they wanted to see 2 totally straight guys kiss. Um...needless to say, the whole bar cheered in approval. And before you knew it, all you could see in the crowd were gay men with their camera phones out. It was so hilarious. Despite her great effort, the 2 guys didn't go through with it.

Why is it that I can't seem to like a guy who is totally into me? I'd met this guy about 6 months ago and he started flirting from the get-go. I'm a nice guy. If you talk to me, I'm gonna talk back. Well, he took this to mean that I was interested, too. Um...nope. Sorry. So, after that night, I just didn't return any of his text messages in hopes that he would get the hint. It worked. Rewind to last night. Who do I see? Yup. Once again, he starts to flirt hardcore. Maybe I shouldn't have let him buy me a drink or 2, huh? I mean, if a guy wants to buy me a drink, I'm not going to deny him that pleasure. I mean, that would just be rude. LOL.

My 2 friends and I had a little game going last night. We each had to find a guy that we thought was cute, that we didn't know, and talk to them for at least 5 minutes. Both S1 and S2 accomplished their task. By the time I found someone and mustered up the courage (or at least had enough alcohol), he had already left. And since the bars close at midnight on Sundays, I ran out of time. Oh well.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Gym Rant

(Preface to the below rant: I'm a more than regular gym goer (some call me obsessed, but I digress), so I exercise proper gym ettiquette. If there is one thing that I hate, it's the lack of gym ettiquette!)

This took place yesterday after work. Along with going to an already crowded, popular gym, the New Year's Resolution folks have envaded. I give it about 1 more month, but who knows...maybe it'll stick for some people this year? **chuckles** Anyway, I had just finished running 30 minutes on the treadmill (the max time allowed when people are waiting) and wiped it down with paper towels and cleaner. I motioned over to the woman who was next and left to go get water. After I got some water, I stopped to talk to an gym aquaintance. As we were walking away from the water fountain, the woman who got my treadmill came up and rudely said, "if you're going to run that much and sweat, you really should wipe it down when you're done!" I looked puzzled and said, "I did..." To which she sarcastically replied, "with what, that towel in your hand..." "No...paper towels..." She was still giving me a dirty look, so I went to the treadmill with her following. I tapped the girl that had been running beside me and asked her if she had seen me wipe it down. She shrugged at first and then said, "oh...oh, yeah...you did!" I looked at the rude woman and said, "thank you!" and walked off. As I was walking off, I heard her say, "oh, I didnt' see you, I'm sorry..."

What the F ever, biatch! If you are going to be out right rude, at least make sure that you are freakin' RIGHT! GEEZ!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Part of a IM Convo Today

Me: I've been biatch-y lately, huh?
Me: lol
Me: whoa!
Me: don't answer too quickly now
Me: lol
Me: hey, at least I'm admitting it
B: is it your time of the month?
Me: and fessing up
Me: who knows
Me: I've just been crazy busy
Me: hey, i think saying yes was very mild

At least I admitted it, right?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Song Can Take You Back

When I'm at work, I usually set my iPod on shuffle and let her go. Well, a song came on today that I hadn't heard in forever. It took me back to the Spring of '01...

I was a Junior in college and just started going out with my first boyfriend. I had met him through a mutual friend and we started to gradually hang out more. In between classes, we would meet each other downtown for lunch. It was just turning warm outside, so we would eat lunch in the warm weather and hang out. Once we started going out, he was either over at my apartment or I was over at his dorm. He didn't have a roommate, so he had the room all to himself. It really was like what see in the movies. We would skip class just to spend more time together. If we did go to class, we would meet up afterwards. Since finals were approaching, we would go to coffee shops and study together. Etc.

When we first started going out, he put his favorite cd in while we layed in bed. Halfway through the cd, I heard a song that I really liked. He put it on repeat and it just became "our" song. *This* is the song that played today. Isn't it funny how powerful a song can be? How it can bring back so many memories and emotions? I don't really think about C, but I did today. Listening to that song put me right back in that period of my life. It brought back feelings and memories that I haven't thought about in quite some time.

I hope C is doing well.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Snip-its of 2007, thus far

My New Year's Resolution: not to make a New Year's Resolution

I saw a guy at the gym this morning with a pink iPod Nano...'twas funny.

I am still picking up flecks of confetti from my closet carpet from New Year's Eve!

There's a guy that I met out one night. We've hung out a couple of times since. I don't think it's going to go anywhere. He has big gums and smokes. Does this make me shallow? Too picky? Oh, well...I can't help it.

There's this guy in my spin class that I think is cute. Not hot hot, just cute. I've never gotten up the nerve to talk to him. Well, for one, he and this other guy were ALWAYS together. Now they're not. Did they break up? (I hope so) Anyway, I was changing after spin class one day and he was in the same section of the locker room as I was. I just couldn't bring myself to change in front of him. Silly, I know, but. The locker room was really crowded, so I just sucked it up and dropped 'em. Was he looking?

Ever since I told one of my friends that my mom asked if we were dating, he won't let it go. He's a guy I would never date. Actually, I love all my friends to death, but I wouldn't date 99% of them. Odd? I dunno. Anyway, it was funny at first, but now it's just getting old. Stop it already!