'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Friday, April 29, 2005

Things worth mentioning

~On my way to the gym this morning, it randomly hit me that I didn't put underwear, an undershirt, and socks in my gym bag for work today. Was I on drugs last night or something?!!?! WTF?!?!!? Luckily, I have another gym bag in the cargo area of my SUV (I know, I'm a HUGE dork) with full workout attire, which includes a pair of socks, underwear, t-shirt, shorts, windsuit pants, and towel. Just in case I want to make an impromptu stop by the gym:) So, who's laughing now, huh? LOL. I guess that's another lesson for the day: Always Be Prepared! I wasn't in Boy Scout's for nothing, ya know;)

~It's Friday, so yup, you guessed it...another cookout here at work today! But hey, there's beer, too:)

~M patted me on the butt today and I commented, "That's the most action I've gotten in a while...I got semi-hard..." We all got a huge laugh out of this. We share pretty much everything with each other, so this comment didn't surprise them. They make work fun:)

~Tom Cruise...and Katie Holmes?!?!?!! An odd pair, eh? I mean, she'll forever be known as Joey from Dawson's Creek! But hey, whatever floats your boat. AND...I don't know of any girl that would NOT go out with Tom Cruise, so...

~Frogs spontaneously exploding...Michael Jackson...President Bush's horrible speech making ability...Stephanie getting voted off of Survivor...what has the world come to???

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