'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Things that don't make sense

~Why I don't think twice about buying $200+ worth of stuff for triathlons (mostly for my bike, but also for the other legs of the race) but hesitate buying the 7 day Crest Whitestrips. Instead, I bought the 14 day ones 'cause they were $10-$15 cheaper, and partly 'cause I didn't believe they would work (but they did...) Does this make sense??? NO...

~Why the owner of our company won't match or contribute to our 401k but will spend $$$ on cookouts every Friday (with beer)...

~Why dating has to be so difficult...

~Why I channel surf on the radio, FINALLY find a good song, then when it's over, change it to another station and the song I really wanted to hear is finishing...

~Why I don't just play my iPod in the car instead of channel surfing...

~Why I end up liking things that I initially think are stupid (ie. flavored water, Gwen Stefani's new song Holla Back, Girl, bike shorts (spandex in general--for biking or swimming))

~Why people who are on a diet can ONLY talk about food or being on a diet. It gets old...FAST...

~Why these 2 guys at the gym (one in his early 30's and the other in his 50's) insist on grunting LOUDLY when lifting weights and then giving each other a high 5 after EVERY set! It's just ridiculous, makes them look stupid, and makes me laugh...

...that's all for now...

(my constant use of "...")

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