'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Usual Self

So, I went on another lunch date with A today. We had a good time...

...just one thing...I dunno if I'm all that "into" him.

I mean, there isn't anything about him that I can put my finger on, but I just dunno. I'm trying not to be my "usual self." Usually, if I don't like the person right off or if there isn't any chemistry/interest, then I don't pursue it or I just let it taper off (as in just don't call). I am horrible about making split decisions when it comes to dating/liking a person.

I figure that this hasn't worked that well for me in the past, so...maybe...I need to try another approach. I'm trying to get to know him before I make a decision, but is the time invested really worth it??? Some people might say, "give it a chance--see where it might go," but if you know it's not going to work out, then why not just cut your losses?

Also, should one date just for the sole purpose of dating??? My thought is NO. I've never dated just to go on a date. There has always been some sort of interest on my part if I go on a date with someone. And there *was* interest when I first went out with him, but...it's quickly fading. Why? In some ways he's "too gay." Maybe that is it...I just dunno...

He's going out of town til the end of the month, so that'll give me time to think about it.

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