'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The sacrifices we make in life, eh?

I haven't previously posted anything on this blog about my training for triathlons because I have a triathlon blog (Mytriblog), but it is pertinent for this entry.

Due to the time commitment that it takes to train for a triathlon, my social life has suffered a little. Let me start from square one...

I have always been a runner--it's just in my blood. I started running in 8th grade and have been running ever since. Outside of Cross Country in high school, I haven't been part of any team or social running group. It is just something that I enjoy doing, is good for me, "me" time, etc. I started really getting into fitness in college--Ramsey was just too good to pass up! I started lifting weights, experimenting with other sports (racketball, rock climbing, etc.), and really just enjoyed fitness. My best friend always said that I should be a personal trainer, but I just shrugged it off.

When I started my job, everyone always commented on how healthy I ate, worked out all the time, etc. I started training one of my friends here at work, and she has commented several time about how I missed my calling in life. By this point, I let the idea start to creep it's way into my brain...too many people making the same observation...

I started tossing around the idea of going back to school to pursue being a personal trainer. I knew that if I was going to do this, some things would have to change. I could no longer afford to live by myself--a luxury I had become accustomed to for the 2 years I had been out of college. My mom was willing to help me with the expense of school, but I didn't want or expect her to pay for it all. I was making good money, so I couldn't not work. So...roommate. It turned out that none of my friends in Atlanta were looking for roommates, but one of my friends in Gainesville was--hince why I moved back to Gainesville. Upon moving back to Gainesville, I started researching how to become a personal trainer. I found out that it wasn't any more beneficial to go back to school to get a degree vs going through a reputable, certified personal training program. This, however, isn't just cheap.

So, back to the point of this post...

I've always thought of triathlons as "the ultimate race." I quickly became addicted to them when I found out that they were on OLN every Sunday at 3pm. Naturally, this fueled me to start training for the sport. This was now my new goal--an Ironman...eventually. At that point, I started to set running goals for myself. First it was to get first in my age group (I've done this 3 out of the 4 races that I have entered in the past 6 months). Then it was a half-marathon--this was the other race out of the 4. I did that this past Thanksgiving and beat my time goal. Now it is a marathon--this coming Thanksgiving. So, I am pretty confident with the running part.

I had taken spin classes for about 2 years, so the only thing I needed to do was get a bike and get more "on road" practice. So, I bought a bike back in February. Then there is the swimming leg of the race. My WEAKEST leg! I knew I had to put in the time and effort to getting this down before I even attempted to enter a triathlon. So, I rearranged my workout schedule to accommodate running, working out, and swimming. Bike on the weekends, get up early and get to the gym when it opens, go to work, and still have time for friends after work, right? HA! I thought that I was "freeing up" time, but that is so NOT the case. Getting up early...to commute...to get to the gym when it opens...then to work...studying...then...? After I commute back home, eat, get ready for the next day...I'm pooped! I literally sit down in my recliner after I get everything done and can't stay awake! I try to study and fall asleep!

With the exception of the occasional drink with friends, outing with friends from work, or date (VERY VERY occasional--LOL), my social life is ka-put! Juggling friends from high school, college, Gainesville, Atlanta, Savannah, work AND training AND working--it's just too much! There is only ONE of me, people! Most of my friends are really really good about it, though. They know how important this is to me and that they *will* see me at some point--LOL.

The sacrifices we make in life, eh?

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