'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Saturday, March 12, 2005

It's been a while

I went out on a date on Friday night. This is the first "date" I've been out on in a LONG time. Well...let me rephrase that: The first date I've been out on in a LONG time with a normal, nice guy. There are a bunch of weirdo's out there! Plus, I've been so busy with work, family, heck--just life in general--to even think about dating.

I'd met this guy out when a friend and I went out a couple of weeks ago. We had hung out that night and exchanged numbers, etc. Well, we have been trying to find a time when we could both go out, but the odds seemed against us. It was a spur of the moment plan--while I was at work on Friday--but it finally happened! We went to dinner at a place neither one of us had been to before--Two Urban Licks. It was great food, atmosphere, view of the skyline of Atlanta, conversation, and company (he even paid! I told him not to--that we should go dutch--but he insisted! What was I to do?? hehe). The only way I agreed to him paying was if I paid for our drinks when we went out. After dinner, we went to 2 bars/lounges for a couple of drinks and then back to his place. We sat and chatted for a while before I left to go home.

All in all--a GREAT evening!

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