'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Word of Mouth
~Apple products
~...(iPod's specifically)
~Nike Shox
~Dri-fit anything
~The Amazing Race
...and more I can't think of right now...
The reason I bring this up is because I have become CBS's The Amazing Race's biggest advertising sponsor. I started watching it after my sister told me I would love it. Her certainty of my love for the show made me curious, so I watched the first episode of last season's show. I fell hookline and sinker after that first episode! Well, A, M, and I come in each morning and catch up with each other's previous night's events, tv viewing, etc. Well, I kept on telling them how great the show is, so they decided to give it a try.
M got hooked last season.
A came in today and told me that she is hooked on it now, too.
CBS, you can just send the checks to my home address:)
Daily Viewing
~open up AIM (for work, seriously)
~open work e-mail
~...then personal e-mail
~the 4 work-related sites that I use constantly
~my blog
~my Tri blog
~thumb through the other blogs linked to mine
~read other blogs and messages related to Trifuel
~check my balance in my checking acct
After the first 4, there is no particular order to my viewing habits. AND...mind you, I *DO* work. Seriously! But, when I'm not busy with work-related stuff, I browse around:)
Other miscellaneous sites I visit:
~sites from my favorite shows
What did we do withOUT the internet??? I'm at a loss...good thing I wasn't in the "real world" without it. Would you just *have* to find work-related stuff to keep ya busy all day long??? Sucks to be working in that generation!
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
A Heads Up
Well, an ongoing thing that we keep each other abreast on is co-workers who don't wash their hands after they use the restroom. We find out about more and more people everyday who don't practice this easy, hygienic step. So, everytime you see that person, all you can think about is whether or not they decided to wash their hands the last time they went to the restroom.
So, I walked in this morning and was putting my lunch in the refridgerator when I heard the bathroom door open and close. The next thing I see is the owner of our company walking into the kitchen and going straight for the coffee. While exchanging "good morning's", she then proceeds to open the refridgerator door to get her creamer and drawer to get a spoon. All the while, I'm standing there making mental notes of where NOT to touch. (if you couldn't infer, she is one that A and M have told me time and time again doesn't practice good hygiene)
Yuck, yuck, yuck!
Monday, March 28, 2005
Weekend Update
Went shopping with my mom, sis, and the kids on Saturday afternoon and couldn't find ANYTHING in my size! It's a common size...
Church was packed, air wasn't on, my niece and nephew were being wild, sermon was long and boring (I know this is bad to say, but he just rambled on and on)...I was about to freak out.
I would be a bad parent. I was fumbling with my sister's new treadmill after Easter lunch--just looking at all the options, how fast it would go, etc.--when my niece came over and started playing with the cord. I told her to be careful and not get too close because she could get hurt. Then, my bro-in-law decided to get on it and put it on the highest speed (I wasn't looking). The next thing I hear is a big "thud" and hear my mom yell my niece's name. She had put her hand on the belt of the treadmill while it was going full speed! After we made sure she was ok, all I could think was, "I told ya so." I'm so bad...
I watched Grey's Anatomy last night...and now I'm hooked. Dang it! *This* is the reason I don't watch new shows. If I watch the first episode and like it, then I'm hooked. I managed to escape The O.C., Smallville, Las Vegas, CSI--just to name a few. Dang it!
Friday, March 25, 2005
No work, thanks
~went out last night
~...and only had 3 drinks
~...but really feeling it today!
~(cause I usually don't go out during the week)
~(...or that much period)
~didn't get my workout in this morning
~...so I'm not as "energized" today
~...but I'm going after work
~we are having a cookout today at lunch
~...just because we had a good month
~we're leaving early today
~...hopefully after the cookout
~it's Friday
All valid reasons, right? LOL
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Riled up!
A's mom: "Oh honey, you shouldn't bend down like that. That is NOT pretty. You need to get your weight under control."
Mind you, she isn't tiny, but in no way, shape, or form would I ever think that about her! For one thing, she had a baby back in September. Second thing, this is coming from her mom! Third thing, who says that to someone that they care about and love?!?!?!?!
They go on about this issue for 45 minutes. Her mom continues to tell her that she is obese, definitely looks her size, and brings up Jesus. Yes, Jesus!!!
A's mom: "It's like Jesus Christ. You never know when someone will find Jesus Christ. You never know what you will say that will make that person turn to Jesus Christ. A, I am just hoping that I can say that one thing that will make you lose weight!"
How are you gonna make an analogy about losing weight and Jesus Christ?!?!?!?! A didn't seem too phased by this whole conversation. She said that she just slammed the door and left after she had had enough. Apparently, this is just the way her mom is, and that she was just probably trying to give her some constructive criticism. NOT OK! I am honestly getting mad FOR her! Does her mom want her to have an eating disorder? This is what I would have said after the whole Jesus Christ analogy:
"You never know what you will say that will make someone become anorexic!"
I am mad about this!!! There are only a few buttons that you can push with me that get me riled up. Her mom pushed 2 of them! Being rude/mean/hateful/cruel for NO reason AND anything about weight. There is NO reason to be intentionally mean to ANYONE! Also, you never know why someone is overweight or what caused it or if they really ARE trying to lose weight, etc. I had a friend that gained weight because of a serious illness. I am not saying that I haven't made a joke or comment about an overweight person, but I honestly try not to.
One, this is her MOM!
Second, this is just RUDE coming from ANYONE!
Third, this is NOT constructive!
The more I think about it, the more I get mad about it...
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
The sacrifices we make in life, eh?
Due to the time commitment that it takes to train for a triathlon, my social life has suffered a little. Let me start from square one...
I have always been a runner--it's just in my blood. I started running in 8th grade and have been running ever since. Outside of Cross Country in high school, I haven't been part of any team or social running group. It is just something that I enjoy doing, is good for me, "me" time, etc. I started really getting into fitness in college--Ramsey was just too good to pass up! I started lifting weights, experimenting with other sports (racketball, rock climbing, etc.), and really just enjoyed fitness. My best friend always said that I should be a personal trainer, but I just shrugged it off.
When I started my job, everyone always commented on how healthy I ate, worked out all the time, etc. I started training one of my friends here at work, and she has commented several time about how I missed my calling in life. By this point, I let the idea start to creep it's way into my brain...too many people making the same observation...
I started tossing around the idea of going back to school to pursue being a personal trainer. I knew that if I was going to do this, some things would have to change. I could no longer afford to live by myself--a luxury I had become accustomed to for the 2 years I had been out of college. My mom was willing to help me with the expense of school, but I didn't want or expect her to pay for it all. I was making good money, so I couldn't not work. So...roommate. It turned out that none of my friends in Atlanta were looking for roommates, but one of my friends in Gainesville was--hince why I moved back to Gainesville. Upon moving back to Gainesville, I started researching how to become a personal trainer. I found out that it wasn't any more beneficial to go back to school to get a degree vs going through a reputable, certified personal training program. This, however, isn't just cheap.
So, back to the point of this post...
I've always thought of triathlons as "the ultimate race." I quickly became addicted to them when I found out that they were on OLN every Sunday at 3pm. Naturally, this fueled me to start training for the sport. This was now my new goal--an Ironman...eventually. At that point, I started to set running goals for myself. First it was to get first in my age group (I've done this 3 out of the 4 races that I have entered in the past 6 months). Then it was a half-marathon--this was the other race out of the 4. I did that this past Thanksgiving and beat my time goal. Now it is a marathon--this coming Thanksgiving. So, I am pretty confident with the running part.
I had taken spin classes for about 2 years, so the only thing I needed to do was get a bike and get more "on road" practice. So, I bought a bike back in February. Then there is the swimming leg of the race. My WEAKEST leg! I knew I had to put in the time and effort to getting this down before I even attempted to enter a triathlon. So, I rearranged my workout schedule to accommodate running, working out, and swimming. Bike on the weekends, get up early and get to the gym when it opens, go to work, and still have time for friends after work, right? HA! I thought that I was "freeing up" time, but that is so NOT the case. Getting up early...to commute...to get to the gym when it opens...then to work...studying...then...? After I commute back home, eat, get ready for the next day...I'm pooped! I literally sit down in my recliner after I get everything done and can't stay awake! I try to study and fall asleep!
With the exception of the occasional drink with friends, outing with friends from work, or date (VERY VERY occasional--LOL), my social life is ka-put! Juggling friends from high school, college, Gainesville, Atlanta, Savannah, work AND training AND working--it's just too much! There is only ONE of me, people! Most of my friends are really really good about it, though. They know how important this is to me and that they *will* see me at some point--LOL.
The sacrifices we make in life, eh?
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Car Watch
What state are they from?
If from Georgia, what county?
For example, the same car from Cobb county went to Savannah with me on Friday afternoon. He was a man who looked to be in his late 30's and drove a Saturn.
Is he going down for St. Patty's Day?
Does he have family there?
Visiting friends?
And then this morning, I saw a car from Bibb county here in Cobb county.
Does he work in Cobb County?
Does he commute everyday?!
And so it goes...you get the idea...
You can also learn a lot about people from their cars. The make and model says a lot just in itself.
Jeep--adventurous, outdoorsy, rugged
Chevy--all American
Ford--plain (LOL)
luxury brand cars--high maintenance, status conscience
Sports car--sexy, spontaneous, speed-lover
SUV--adventurous, outdoorsy, maybe a wannabe of the 2
Minivan--family oriented
Also, some people let you know what they "stand" for. Breast cancer, Support the Troops, "Honor Roll Parent," bumper stickers with sayings, Human Rights stickers, their political affiliation, etc.
A person's car says a lot about them. What does yours say about you? Give it a whirl the next time you're driving.
***can you tell I drive a lot?
It's really crazy how accurate my horoscope is sometimes!
Monday, March 21, 2005
Green beer, good friends
I graduated a year before her (I did the 4 year plan and she did the 5.5 year plan--LOL) and started my job, etc. After she graduated, she got married and has moved several times because her husband, a guy that I really like and know is good to her, is in the Army. (***examples of how life gets in the way***) He has been in Iraq for the past 2 months, so she's been a little lonely. It's been hard since it's a new town to her, but she has made some friends at work and with other military wives.
Being St. Patty's Day weekend in Savannah, it was a little crazy. I'd never been down there for the festivities, but it was definitely a good time. Green fountains, live bands, cheap beer, beads galore, "girls gone wild" wannabe's, hippies...what else could you ask for?!?! We hung out with her friends, looked at the shops along Riverfront, went to a nice dinner, went bar-hopping on Riverfront and the surrounding area, went to a BBQ, and just had fun visiting with each other. I also ran into an old friend from high school and college while I was down there, too! Whodathunkit?!?!
Even though the visit was too short, it was spent reminiscing with a good friend, making new memories, drinking too much, meeting new people, and a promise to visit VERY soon! Good times...:)
Friday, March 18, 2005
Cut the Fat!
Monday: Doughnuts
Tuesday: Girl Scout cookies
Wednesday: Girl Scout cookies
Thursday: Girl Scout cookies and regular cookies from a Lunch 'n Learn
Friday: an assortment of Girl Scout cookies
And all the women just can't seem to lose weight...
Go figure!
Thursday, March 17, 2005
All for St. Patty's Day!
I went to the gym as usual this morning and was getting ready, when I noticed...2 holes in my sweater!!! Each were the size of a pencil eraser--one in the middle of my chest and the other on the sleeve! What made it even worse was the fact that I was wearing a white undershirt under it! There was no way you could/would miss it...
Why didn't I see this last night?!
Moths? No, cause my other wool sweaters don't have any holes...
WTF do I do?!?!?!
I can't go to work with 2 holes in my sweater!
Dang it! I love this sweater!
The ONLY place I could think of that was open at 7:30am was Wal-Mart...so, I went shopping at Wally-World...
I found a green stripped, long-sleeve shirt that I liked. But of course, I didn't have a belt, so I had to buy one of those, too...
So, I went from a merino wool sweater from Banana Republic to a Wal-Mart shirt! LOL. The funny thing is...I've had many people at work tell me that they like my shirt! It's all too funny...
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
The Usual Self
So, I went on another lunch date with A today. We had a good time...
...just one thing...I dunno if I'm all that "into" him.
I mean, there isn't anything about him that I can put my finger on, but I just dunno. I'm trying not to be my "usual self." Usually, if I don't like the person right off or if there isn't any chemistry/interest, then I don't pursue it or I just let it taper off (as in just don't call). I am horrible about making split decisions when it comes to dating/liking a person.
I figure that this hasn't worked that well for me in the past, so...maybe...I need to try another approach. I'm trying to get to know him before I make a decision, but is the time invested really worth it??? Some people might say, "give it a chance--see where it might go," but if you know it's not going to work out, then why not just cut your losses?
Also, should one date just for the sole purpose of dating??? My thought is NO. I've never dated just to go on a date. There has always been some sort of interest on my part if I go on a date with someone. And there *was* interest when I first went out with him, but...it's quickly fading. Why? In some ways he's "too gay." Maybe that is it...I just dunno...
He's going out of town til the end of the month, so that'll give me time to think about it.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
THE best feeling
That is the thing about kids--they make you feel like you are the ONLY person that they want to see. They have a way of making you feel like you mean the most to them and that they are genuinely ecstatic to see you. Kids do this because this is the way they truly and honestly feel. They have no other motives.
Wouldn't it be nice if we all acted like kids? Just a thought...
Save a buck or two
She came in and told M and me this. We were both low on gas (>1/4 gallon), so M went down the street to check the QT to see if theirs was any cheaper (it usually is cheaper than the BP here). She called me on her way back to BP to tell me that it wasn't cheaper. So, I left to go get gas, too.
The things we do for a couple of bucks! But hey, 10 cents is a lot when you're filling up a new SUV:)
Monday, March 14, 2005
A Lunch Date
He wants to get together again before he leaves on Thursday...if possible. Who knows, maybe...
Sunday, March 13, 2005
A Better Place
Good bye, SJ...
In Memory of...
He and I were best friends all through elementary and middle school. For some reason, we sort of just went in different paths in high school. We were still friends, just not as close as we once had been. I found out about his death on Saturday. It was so odd because my mom and I were just thinking about him the other day. During dinner, she had read me the wedding announcement of his sister. She is to get married in mid-April. I was out with my sis, bro-in-law, and their kids when my mom called.
Mom: Stephen. Remember we were talking about SJ the other day?
Me: Yeah...
Mom: Well, he died on March 10th...
Me: (in disbelief) What?!?!?!
I still can't believe it. I am about to go to his funeral and I can't stop thinking about him. We have the same name, he is my age (I am 2 days older), we played basketball together in elementary school and for the Park Rec team, we ran cross country together, we were in Boy Scouts together, we went to the same church, we spent the night together all the time...the list goes on. To know that I will experience things that he never will is just too much for me to think about. I don't think I have thought about someone as much as I have thought about him in the last 24 hours. We used to spend so much time together. We would call each other when were were younger with the same intro:
SJ: May I speak to Stephen?
Me: This is Stephen.
SJ: Hey Stephen, this is Stephen.
Me: Hey Stephen!
We were such dorks. When I read his obituary, it was like reading mine. He loved to mountain bike (I like to road bike), workout, spend time with friends and family, lover of life, etc.
I'm just sick over this and can't stop thinking about it. I wish I had known him better as we were getting older...I wish we hadn't lost touch...I wish we had been as close as we once were...
I'm sorry...I will miss you...please know that you were/are an important part of my life...
You will be missed...
Saturday, March 12, 2005
It's been a while
I'd met this guy out when a friend and I went out a couple of weeks ago. We had hung out that night and exchanged numbers, etc. Well, we have been trying to find a time when we could both go out, but the odds seemed against us. It was a spur of the moment plan--while I was at work on Friday--but it finally happened! We went to dinner at a place neither one of us had been to before--Two Urban Licks. It was great food, atmosphere, view of the skyline of Atlanta, conversation, and company (he even paid! I told him not to--that we should go dutch--but he insisted! What was I to do?? hehe). The only way I agreed to him paying was if I paid for our drinks when we went out. After dinner, we went to 2 bars/lounges for a couple of drinks and then back to his place. We sat and chatted for a while before I left to go home.
All in all--a GREAT evening!
Friday, March 11, 2005
The people I feel sorry for...
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
...turns out that one roll was from New Year's Eve 2002 and the other was my niece's and nephew's birthday's from 2003!!! I knew these would be old, but dang!
It *was* fun looking at them, tho. Sorta nostalgic, but new...
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Score! Free sandwich AND cheaper gas...
It's the little things that get me excited...LOL.
Monday, March 07, 2005
Happy Birthday...
~how have I changed since last year?
~I feel like an adult...
~...and sometimes I don't
~my life isn't what I thought it would be...
~...in good ways...
~...and bad
~things I've accomplished...
~...and haven't...
~goals for this year (more on this later)
These are a few amongst many thoughts...
It's gonna be a good year! (or else, I'll *will* it to be a good year!)
Saturday, March 05, 2005
I have a new toy...
A Nissan sales guy called me about my '99 Nissan Maxima and wanted to buy it back from me! He said that their used car inventory was very low and that they knew my car was in peak condition. The low mileage and good condition were what they were looking for. I was a little skeptical (another one of my friends got a call like this but didn't check it out...), but I had nothing to lose, right? Well, nothing to lose and everything to gain! I went from a '99 Nissan Maxima to a '05 Nissan Murano:) It suits me so much better--I run, cycle, row, starting triathlons, etc.
Just call it an early birthday present--just 2 days early:)
A little indulgent...yes
Just the kind of car I wanted...yes
Something just for me...yes
I deserve it, right?! I'm happy...
Friday, March 04, 2005
...all I can think about is getting out on my bike and going for a long, long ride...
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead
Yesterday is a promise that you've broken
Don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes,
This is your life
And today is all you've got now
And today is all you've ever had
Don't close your eyes
This is your life, are you who you want to be?
This is your life, are you who you want to be?
This is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be?
when the world was younger, and you had everything to lose?
Yesterday is a kid in the corner
Yesterday is dead and over
This is your life, are you who you want to be?
This is your life, are you who you want to be?
Are they singing to me? How do they know that these are thoughts that have been running through my mind for a while now?
New Beginnings
~I wanted to be more "personal" on *my* blog, but couldn't because of the readers (friends, co-workers)
~I'm in a real transition point in my life and felt that a new blog was in order
~I just needed a change...
So, here's to a new blog, new beginnings, and to change! I hope y'all enjoy *this* guy's anonymous rants!