'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Thursday, August 11, 2005


I made a very odd observation yesterday. Have you ever seen a speed limit sign say "52 MPH" or "67 MPH"??? No, they always round, right? 65 or 70 or 55, right? This is what I thought before I saw one that says "9 MPH" in my complex. 9 MPH??? Most complexes or shopping malls or the like will have low speed requirements like 10 MPH or 15 MPH, but 9 MPH??? Who has this job, anyway. Is there a "private property speed limit" guy who has to decide what speed limit he thinks would be appropriate in a given area? Was he just feeling spunky one day and thought that he would just make my complex a 9 MPH speed limit zone for $#!+'s and giggles? Maybe this was his way of just playing a practical joke to see if anyone would even notice the odd number on this sign. Maybe he and his "private property speed limit" co-workers sit around and just laugh about stuff like this... Whatever floats your boat, man.


Chris said...

Ha! I love it. I once was at a client site and they had a speed limit of 7 MPH. 7! I can run faster than that.

But I think it's a subconscious thing that causes us to notice the speed limit. If the property owners had put a 15 MPH limit, you wouldn't have noticed the sign and you certainly wouldn't have taken the time to blog about it, right? So in a way, their theory is working. Not like you're actually going to drive 9 MPH, though...

Stephen said...

That's true...so, by them putting up a ridiculous number, people will notice it...good thinking, TC! And you're right, if it had just been a "normal" number, then I wouldn't have even thought twice about it.