'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Friday, August 12, 2005

Convos between L and Me

*coming back from sushi*

Me: I'm stuffed.
L: Me too. Hey, look at the huge cock!
*laughter errupts*
Me: You said "cock"! And we're in 6th grade again... hahahaha
L: I just couldn't pass it up...I tried, but I just couldn't...
*we were passing the Folks off of Cobb Pkwy that has a huge rooster out in the front*

*later on in the day...delirium has set in...*

L: Is your *work program name here* down?
Me: I dunno. I haven't worked on that all day. Wha choo talkin' about, Willis?
L: haha
Me: Wha tha madder wit choo?...Hrmmm...I just suddenly turned black--hehe

Can you tell we crack each other up?

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