'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Work Day

Going on personal experience (and those of other co-workers, friends, acquaintances), I have come across an interesting observation:

How many hours during a typical work day do you *actually* do work related activities?

I know that there are the overachievers out there that *only* do work related stuff, but for the most part, I'm willing to bet that most people *actually* only work maybe half of a work day. The other half is spent checking personal e-mail, blogging, reading other blogs, browsing various websites, online banking, etc. And I know that I'm not the first person to ever make this observation, so why hasn't something been done about it? Here are some suggestions that I propose:

~Employees can schedule their own 4 hr work days. As long as one works 4 hrs a day, then all is good.
~Just work 2.5 days a week and then have the other 2.5 days off. (I'm in favor of this one)
~As long as you work 20 hrs a wk, no worries. Any combo of days and hrs will suffice.

I honestly think that if any of these 3 suggestions were put into place at every company, then employees would be more productive! I think I'm on to something here...

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