'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Monday, October 03, 2005

It could be worse...

I'm feelin' down today...this past weekend wasn't the best...

Let me recount all the things that went wrong...

I went out with some friends on Friday night. The bar/club/lounge that we went to was packed, so I had to park in a gravel lot. This lot is lit, but the outer edges are slightly sloped down. Being limited on the parking, I decided to back into one of the only spaces available. As I was leaving, I was on the phone talking to one of my friends--I was not intoxicated. Well, as I moved my right foot from the brake to the accelerator, I reversed into the concrete base of a light post. Yeah. I went to go get an estimate today...at least $2550.

Last night, I went to bed around 11:15. As I lay in bed, I heard the sound of running water. I just thought it was one of my neighbors flushing the toilet or something. As I waited for it to stop, it didn't. I jumped out of bed and ran into the kitchen where I saw water coming down the wall. While freaking out, I got some towels and pans. It wasn't nearly as bad as it coulda been, tho--pretty minimal. I went up to the unit above me to see what was going on. She had just moved in on Friday and was doing some laundry. Her washing machine apparently wasn't hooked up properly. While we were exchanging info, we heard a knock on her door--it was her neighbor. The water had leaked into her unit, too. So, all-in-all, 4 units were affected... I finally got back in bed around 12:30.

(fast forward to 4am...)
I'm awakened by the sound of my neighbor "partying it up" at 4am on a Monday morning!!! WFT?!?!?! I could hear at least 3 different voices. This is the same neighbor that I never see! I finally fall back asleep around 5 and then my alarm went off at 7. I normally turn my radio alarm off, but this morning...no way! I blared it without any regard. Paybacks a BIATCH!!!

So, bummed about my car...no sleep...hella busy here at work...other things...I'm a little down...

I did come across something yesterday that I have been trying to focus on today when I start to feel down again. I went for my usual run at the park, but I noticed that it was way more crowded. The Breast Walk was taking place. After my run, I just sat in a shady patch of grass and watched all the walkers go by. They were focused on a much bigger cause than their everyday lives. It makes ya think...

It could be worse...I *am* lucky...


Lisa said...

What a bummer weekend for you! First the car, then the weird neighbor stuff. Too much grown-up stuff, huh?

Sometimes I feel the same way you do. When one thing happens, you can chalk it up to a bad day and move on. Although forking out that much money unexpectedly is always a major, major hurt. :( Anyway, you had a number of things "go wrong" so it's only natural that you would be feeling down today. You're right though in that remembering that there are others out there in situations worse than you will remind you of how lucky you have it. In turn that will help you start to feel more positive. :) And you'll be back to your cheery self. :)

**hug** I'm sure (fingers crossed) the rest of the week will go better for you.

Stephen said...

Thanks, Lisa! Good thing for insurance, eh? :) Gotta stay positve:)

Big Fat Chad said...

-gasp- I missed the BREAST WALK!??!! Nooooo! Finally something I can get behind whole heartedly...and I missed all the BREASTS!?!?! -sigh- definitely a sad Monday :(
