'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

One Chaotic Hour

Ok...I'll admit it...I watched Britney and Kevin: Chaotic last night. Let me preface this post by saying a couple of things:

~Yes, I like her music...
~Yes, I think she's a good performer...
~No, I don't think she's a great singer (definitely not live--the 2 songs she *actually* sang at her Onyx Hotel concert were awful! Bless her heart...)
~Yes, I went to her last concert when it came to Philips Arena...
~Yes, I think she USED to be sexy, have a great body, killer abs, etc. (uh...sooooo not the case now!!!)

Whew...ok, now that I have that out of the way, I can go on with my post. Let me just tell you that her reality show SUCKED A BIG FAT ONE!!! I think she is trying to do the whole Jessica Simpson thing with the ditsy, airheady, dorky bit, but it doesn't work for her. As much as I hate to say it, she comes off as a white-trash, redneck, unintelligent, immature, desperate, Girls Gone Wild girl. This might be the nail in the cofin that kills her career. I was listening to the radio this morning, and they were commenting that any sex appeal that she USED to have is ALL GONE NOW!!! Amen to that...

Will I watch again next week?...probably...


Chris said...

Dammit, I'm missing all the great television programming back home! Well, y'all should be jealous because I watched "The Simpsons" tonight in German. The dubbed over voices are ridiculously nothing like the real voices.

Stephen said...

Well, you are in luck, my friend! They are re-airing all of the stupidity on MTV. This is just quality programming, people...
(drip, drip, dripping with sarcasm...)