'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Friday, May 20, 2005



...how something can consume your life so much. Since I've started this triathlon journey, it seems that all I do is eat, train, work, and sleep (on occasion--lol). I've become a member of several websites that I *have* to visit a gazillion times a day, most of my e-mails that I receive are triathlon-related, everything I buy is triathlon-related, everything I read is triathlon related, I'm a member of several triathlon organizations, and the list goes on. I know it sounds a little obsessive, but you really can't be totally dedicated to triathlons without being "consumed" by it. If you aren't consumed, then you aren't doing it right...

...This older guy at work ALWAYS buttons EVERY button when he wears polos. Why?!?!? Does he think he looks cool? Who told him that this looks ok? He is honestly the only person that I've ever seen that does this. He just looks like a big 'ole dork! Just odd...

...how much a person can change over a couple of months. Going along with the aforementioned "oddity" #1, I obviously don't go to bars/clubs nearly as much as I used to. With my dedication to triathlons, getting drunk, staying out late, and partying regularly don't fit any training programs. With this said, I went out with some friends last night for a drink. They still go out on a regular basis (by this, I mean a couple of nights during the week and Friday and/or Saturday nights). When I went out more often, I still didn't go out *this* much. Well, I'm just sorta over it now. When I'm gonna hang out with friends, I would much rather hang out at someone's apt/house, catch up, drink a beer or a glass of wine, etc. Is it that I'm just getting older? I'm only 25!?!?! Am I growing up/maturing? Who knows...

...how much more vocal I'm getting at work these days. I can't be rude to anyone, but I *am* more vocal now. I wouldn't say that I'm a total pushover, but on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being stern, a hard@$$, etc. and 10 being a total pushover) I would probably be about a 7 or 7.5 (maybe a 8). Does this go along with the whole "getting older/maturity" thing? Who knows...I'm just not gonna take people's crap anymore...LOL.

...how I'm commenting on "maturity." Me? NAH!

...how much I crack myself up. A & M just laugh at me laughing at myself. It's amusing...


Stephen said...

HA! Blogger thought hard@$$ was an e-mail addy!

Anonymous said...

Heh... good ol' trifuel - eh? I hear what you're saying, though - triathlon really swallows you up, doesn't it? I'm sure I used to have lots of friends... now I have three: "bicycle," "running shoes" and "wetsuit." At least they're loyal!

Stephen said...

They *are* loyal, right? LOL Hrmmm, trifuel...who are you?