'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Things that make me happy

~finishing my first marathon
~discovering a great new cd
~the feel of the brisk, cold air
~the laughter of my niece and nephew
~being in good company
~setting personal goals for myself
~...and accomplishing them
~getting tickets to a concert
~...with 5 of my favorite bands/artists
~...in the park
~anything active
~my beta fish (Benny the Beta)
~...who has lived for over 3.5 years!
~really getting to know people
~catching up with a good friend
~seeing people run
~couples who act like they just met
~seeing people happy

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Great list Stephen! I agree with all of them except "the feel of the brisk, cold air". ;P And maybe "wine". I've never been a wine drinker. mmmm...cheesecake! Hope Benny the Beta has a long and happy life. :) My niece Morgan's beta, ButticaJoe, is about the same age and doing fine. We have no idea how she came up with that name... :)