'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Gym Rant

(Preface to the below rant: I'm a more than regular gym goer (some call me obsessed, but I digress), so I exercise proper gym ettiquette. If there is one thing that I hate, it's the lack of gym ettiquette!)

This took place yesterday after work. Along with going to an already crowded, popular gym, the New Year's Resolution folks have envaded. I give it about 1 more month, but who knows...maybe it'll stick for some people this year? **chuckles** Anyway, I had just finished running 30 minutes on the treadmill (the max time allowed when people are waiting) and wiped it down with paper towels and cleaner. I motioned over to the woman who was next and left to go get water. After I got some water, I stopped to talk to an gym aquaintance. As we were walking away from the water fountain, the woman who got my treadmill came up and rudely said, "if you're going to run that much and sweat, you really should wipe it down when you're done!" I looked puzzled and said, "I did..." To which she sarcastically replied, "with what, that towel in your hand..." "No...paper towels..." She was still giving me a dirty look, so I went to the treadmill with her following. I tapped the girl that had been running beside me and asked her if she had seen me wipe it down. She shrugged at first and then said, "oh...oh, yeah...you did!" I looked at the rude woman and said, "thank you!" and walked off. As I was walking off, I heard her say, "oh, I didnt' see you, I'm sorry..."

What the F ever, biatch! If you are going to be out right rude, at least make sure that you are freakin' RIGHT! GEEZ!

1 comment:

Brad said...

You give those newbies hell, big guy! :)