'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I've been tagged...

...by Eric.

Five things about me:

1. Despite the fact that I'm a healthy eater, I like ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that's bad for you. I eat healthy because of my active lifestyle and because I like to be healthy, but I could sooo be a fattie!

2. I have commitment issues because of 1 bad relationship...and I hate that...

3. I've NEVER gone skinny dipping.

4. I have a hard time talking to people that I think are HOT (if I talk to them at all). Even if I have a couple of drinks in me, I'm very shy when it comes to that...

5. I don't tell people how much I workout/train (except on my triathlonlife blog, other triathletes, etc.). I "fib" a little and just tell parts of my workout if co-workers, friends, or family ask me. As other triathletes know, non triathletes think we are freaks. LOL.


Lisa said...

LOL - I do the same thing (#5)! Sometimes it's easier to not go into details.

Skinny dipping? You haven't either, huh? You and Eric ought to try it. It's very liberating and cool. :)

E-Dub said...

Well, Stephen, I don't THINK you're a freak... I KNOW you're one!

I could sooo be a fat boy too! I have an insatiable sweet tooth... ironically, I don't like candy. I could have cookies and milk every single night of my life!

Stephen, you don't have a hard time talking to Lisa and me... and we are HOT!! ;-)

Stephen said...

You guys are hilarious! And yes, hot, too:)

Lisa said...

I think I would rather be hilarious than hot. Hot can fade as we get older. I would love to be like 90 years old and still cracking people up. That would be cool. But I'll take hot for now. ;) Happy New Year Stephen!!!!! May it be a wonderful year for you. With romance for both of us. :)