'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Friday, June 13, 2008


Since I'm in this program, it leaves me with little extra spending money. Well, to be honest, it leaves me broke most of the time. Well, I had noticed a infected hair or pimple what was getting worse and worse by the day. I'd been putting off going to the doctor for what I was sure the beginnings of a staph infection. Ew, I know! I've had one before, so it never leaves your body and leaves you more susceptible to it again at any time. Well, I got one...in the...ahem...buttocks/upper leg region... Not fun...seeing as how I bike to work and couldn't sit still in a chair! I wasn't sleeping at night, it was throbbing, and I started to get a headache and a little fever, so I sucked it up and went to the doctor. So, there I lay on my stomach with my butt hanging out. I prayed like I've never prayed before for the doctor to be ugly. Luckily, it was a female, so I was relieved. After she finished lancing, draining, and packing the infected area, I was on my way.

With the doctor's fee taking all of my money, I didn't know how I was going to get the antibiotics...not good. So, my mom said that she would let me use her credit card if the pharmacy would allow her to over the phone. Nope, no one would go for that, so I just decided that I would have to wait until I got paid on Monday to get it. As I'm walking across the Walgreen's parking lot, I look down and find a $20 bill!!! What are the odds?!?!?! I've never found money before. Apparently, Karma was on my side that day! So, I proceeded to go to Kroger and get my $4 prescription filled:)

Who said that Karma was a biatch? I must be doing something right... :)

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