'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Friday, September 26, 2008

...Happy Ever After

I was watching Grey's Anatomy and Sex and the City last night and they were about the same thing. What happens after you get your "happy ever after?" What then? We are all searching for Mr. Right or Mrs. Right or that perfect person, but what happens *after* that? All of the fairy tales end there. You all ride off into the sunset and "the end." No. Not, "the end." What happens? We are all told that that will be the pinnacle of our lives. Happy ever after. That's what we all want, right? We want *our* happy ever after. But what's *after* that?

Well, I've got the answer.

***spoiler alert***

Life. Life is what happens after your "happy ending." It doesn't just stop because we've found the perfect person. It doesn't stop because we are in love. It doesn't stop for anything. Period. So, boys and girls...while we are all looking for our "happy ever after," it's just another part of life. Some of us are lucky enough to find it. Some of us aren't. But just as sure as the sun will rise, life will go on just the same. Maybe a little happier or maybe you just keep searching, but...


1 comment:

Brad said...

Since Justin and I have been together forever (6 years) I can say that you're right. It's not happily ever after or any such nonsense like that. We have our trials and tribulations, our up times along with or down, but in the end, we're still in all of it together and for each other.

Our good times way outweigh our bad times and when we do have difficulties, we lean on one another.