'cause I'm not really anonymous anymore, if ever, since all my posts have "posted by Stephen."

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Beta Benedict (Benny) Colbert

(a spin off of the way the Pope is referred to as...)

On the afternoon of Saturday, January 7th, 2006, Benedict (often referred to as Benny) Colbert passed away. He spent 3.5 years with his owner, Stephen. He loved to swim, eat, squirm around in his bowl, and show his various shades of blue, green, and purple. His fondest memories were moving every year with his owner into a new apartment. Now that his owner had "settled down," he enjoyed his more permanent surroundings. His service was held outside of his owner's condo on Sunday, January 8th. He will be missed. RIP.


Lisa said...

I'm sorry Benny the Beta is gone. He lived a good fish life and now he's moved on to that great big fish pond in the sky. :)

Chris said...

How can you post an obit and list the funeral date as being in the past? We didn't even have time to pay our respects.

Stephen said...

Yes, Lisa--the great big fish pond in the sky:) Great way to look at it:)

TC--it was just a small ceremony (just family). Sorry that you didn't get to pay your respects at the funeral, but he know's you miss him;)